I create
AI influenced art

The art perspective
This novel approach allows merging art with technology.
Expression with declaration.
Knowing about the output, without fully understanding the processes on the way.
Knowing methodology without all detailed steps.
This process of not knowing allows entering a new age of art.
Knowing why but not how.
Ultimately it is up to the observer to convey meaning to the piece.
A piece made up of the old and the new.
Clarity and chaos.
The known and the unknown.

Carving 3D objects out of wood bridges tradition and innovation.
Creation with intuition.
Shaping the form, without fully grasping its final essence.
Mastery of tools, without rigid adherence to technique.
This interplay of uncertainty fosters a timeless form of artistry.
Knowing the vision but not the journey.
Ultimately, the wood itself guides the carver, whispering its potential.
A blend of ancient craft and modern design.
Precision and spontaneity.
The tangible and the ephemeral.